
Colon Hydrotherapy

  • 1 Treatment €120 (VAT INC)
  • Additional Coffee Enema €10 Extra

Coffee Enema/Liver Detox €10 Extra

Wilson’s specially formulated enema coffee is infused into the rectum during the colonic treatment. This increases peristalsis leading to much bigger releases. The coffee stimulates the bile ducts of the gallbladder and liver, therefore, having stronger detoxing effects on the liver and body. Read More

Nutritional Consultation €75

Food Intolerance Testing (Elisa Finger Prick Blood Spot) €280+

Intestinal Permeability & Absorption (Leaky Gut Profile)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO With Lactose Breath Test)

Hair & Mineral Analysis (Detailing Heavy Metal Toxicity & Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies).

Colon Hydrotherapy


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